Hello everyone! As you all know, i'm already here in Exeter for a week. Sorry for the late post and everything. Just so you know, I'm doing great here! Lots of new friends. It's a totally different experience for me. Getting to know people from all over the world, cooking dinners together and just having fun. It's such a great week for me. Ahh I guess i've made the right choice to come here. The people here are just so friendly. I really had a good time here and i know i'll have a great year here in Exeter. I'm actually missing Penang and i bet Penang misses me too. Haha :P Seriously i'm missing everyone of you in Penang. Anyway this week is all about orientation, getting to know the place, getting to know more people and basically just chill and have fun. Class starting next week and i have to work really really hard this year. Ahhh it's so cold here *shivering* Anyway here are some of the photos taken here.